School Info

Student Grievance Policy

This school has a Certificate of Approval from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)

The TWC-assigned school number is: S0251

The school’s programs are approved by TWC, as well as ACCSC.

Students must address their concerns about this school or any of its educational programs by following the grievance process outlined in the school’s catalog.

Students dissatisfied with this school’s response to their complaint or who are not able to file a complaint with the school, can file a formal complaint with TWC, as well as with other relevant agencies or accreditors, if applicable. Information on filing a complaint with TWC can be found on TWC’s Career Schools and Colleges Website at

Degree students with an unresolved complaint may contact:

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
College Readiness and Success Division
P.O. Box 12788
Austin, TX  78711-2788

The web address for the rules governing student complaints-Title 19 of the Texas Administrative Code, Sections 1.110-1.112:
Rules Governing Student Complaints 

Campus Safety

The following link provides access to the U.S. Department of Education’s “Campus Safety and Security Data Analysis Tool”. Complete information regarding Campus Security at The School of Automative Machinists & Technology is available through this tool.

To view the full disclosure information, click on the link below, select the option to Get data for one institution/campus and enter the following Search Criteria:

Institution name: ‘school of automotive machinists’
Institution City: ‘houston’
Campus Safety and Security Data

Accreditation and Approvals

  • SAM Tech is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).
  • SAM Tech is approved to operate by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools, and Colleges.
  • SAM Tech holds a Certificate of Authorization from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
  • SAM Tech is approved by the Texas Veterans Commission for the training of veterans and other eligible persons under the provisions of Title 38, United States Code.
  • SAM Tech is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students and issue INS form I-20.

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