Financial Aid

Investing in your future is an important decision. SAM Tech’s Financial Aid Department will help find the best options for you. Your personal finance plan could include grants, scholarships, student loans and parent PLUS loans for those who qualify. SAM Tech is also approved to train VA eligible persons. Let us help you choose the most affordable pathway to your goal.

The School of Automotive Machinists & Technology is committed to using the Principles & Standards of the College Cost Transparency Initiative in its student financial aid offer.


Free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Financial Aid consists of:

Other sources:

  • Approved to train veterans and other eligible persons under the provisions of Title 38 of the United States Code
  • Workforce Investment Act
  • No Interest on SAM Tech’s Payment Plans


Scholarships may be available for those who qualify. 

Direct Loan Instructions

Use our Net Price Calculator.
For more details on financial assistance and to see if you qualify, contact the Financial Aid Department.

Student Consumer Information Manual 2024

Professional Judgment

All professional judgments must be made on a case-by-case basis based upon unusual, exceptional or mitigating student or family circumstances.

It is unacceptable to create specific standards under which professional judgment will or will not be performed. The purpose of professional judgment is to allow exceptions to be made in unusual cases, not to create a local set of eligibility rules.

Financial Eligibility/Special Circumstances

In cases of extenuating circumstances affecting a student’s financial eligibility, the student or the student’s parent can request special consideration by submitting the appropriate request to the Financial Aid Office and set up an in person or phone interview, with email follow-up, to collect the appropriate information. At the conclusion of the interview, the advisor will determine what additional supporting documentation must be submitted for the review.

SAM Tech’s Financial Aid Office will review extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis once all documentation is submitted and will notify students of a denial or approval within 60 days.

The student or a student’s parent should consider requesting review of the student’s eligibility if either experience:

  1. Loss of employment
  2. Reduction in employment
  3. Separation or divorce after filing FAFSA
  4. Dislocated worker
  5. Homeless
  6. Loss of non-taxable income or benefits
  7. Death in family after filing FAFSA
  8. Elementary and secondary school costs
  9. Medical or dental expenses not covered by insurance
  10. To remove unemployment benefits

If the student is married, the aforementioned points apply to the spouse when considering professional judgment.

Dependency Override/Unusual Circumstances

These judgments require the highest level of documentation and is used sparingly. The mere separation of the student from the parent’s residence, proof of self-support, and/or emotional estrangement are not sufficient to substantiate a dependency override without underlying exceptional circumstances.

The Financial Aid Office must clearly document the circumstances that are the cause of the dependency override decision.

The first document and starting point for the judgment is a brief letter or note from the student explaining the circumstances and the situation. Whichever format this document may take, it should be signed and dated by the student.

Additional documents are then collected as necessary to support the circumstances reported by the student. This documentation may include official documents such as death certificates, family court orders, etc. If such documentation is not available (or not applicable) two letters documenting the student’s circumstances may be obtained from two different third parties who are familiar with the student’s case.

Some good sources for such documentation are:

  1. High School Counselors/Principals/Officials
  2. Medical Professionals
  3. Ministries/Clergy Members
  4. Agency Officials/Case Workers
  5. Adult family members

Financial aid is awarded on the basis of need, regardless of sex, age, race, color, religion, creed, or national origin. We will help guide you through the Financial Support Process to make sure that you receive the education you deserve!

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting

HEERF I (Student Portion)

30 Day Report (05/27/20)
45 Day Update (7/11/20)
45 Day Update (8/25/20)
45 Day Update (9/30/20) – Final

HEERF I (Institution Portion)

Quarter ending 09/30/20, the institution funds expended were zero.
Quarter ending 12/31/20, the institution funds expended were zero
Quarter ending 03/31/21
Quarter ending 06/30/21
Quarter ending 09/30/21 – Final


Quarter ending 03/31/22
Quarter ending 06/30/22
Quarter ending 09/30/22
Quarter ending 12/31/22 – Final

Accreditation and Approvals

  • SAM Tech is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC).
  • SAM Tech is approved to operate by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges.
  • SAM Tech holds a Certificate of Authorization from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
  • SAM Tech is approved by the Texas Veterans Commission for the training of veterans and other eligible persons under the provisions of Title 38, United States Code.
  • SAM Tech is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students and issue INS form I-20.

Contact Financial Assistance

Have any financial aid questions? Contact us directly!

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